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Placement Data Graphic

The OSU Department of Political Science has an excellent placement record. Our graduates have been very successful in securing positions in major research universities and liberal arts colleges, while others have pursued non-academic careers in government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and private industry. Rather than providing a sample of notable placement success, we provide below a comprehensive list of our placements. This includes all the data we have regarding where all of our Ph.D.'s since 2004 were placed or are currently employed.

Graph comparing Non Academic; Fixed Term; and Tenure Track employment at various Universities over the years of 1995 through 2013.

As you can see by mousing over the above diagram our Department has placed a steady stream of Ph.D.s in top positions over the past two decades. In fact, a recent study showed that Ohio State Ph.D.'s in tenured and tenure-track positions elsewhere outnumber current OSU faculty by more than two to one- something that is true of fewer than twenty universities nationwide.

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